Suave. Urbane. Cultured. And deadly. They call him Paladin, and this lean, quiet man in black brings his gun to bear for whoever can pay his fee (and meet his standards). His business card says it all: Have Gun, Will Travel! John Dehner brings Old San Francisco's righteous pistolero to life in this new collection of twenty classic radio adventures. Ben Wright co-stars as Hey Boy, with Virginia Gregg as Miss Wong.
Episodes Include: Love-bird 08-30-59; All That Glitters 09-06-59; Treasure Hunt 09-13-59; Stardust 09-20-59; Like Father 09-27-59; The Contessa Marie Desmoulins 10-04-59; Stopover in Tombstone 10-11-59; Brother Lost 10-18-59; When in Rome 10-25-59; Wedding Day 11-01-59; Assignment in Stone's Crossing11-08-59; Land Fall 11-15-59; Fair Fugitive 11-22-59; Bitter Vengeance 11-29-59; Anything I Want 12-06-59; Out of Evil 12-13-59; Ranse Carnival 12-20-59; About Face 12-27-59; Return Engagement 01-03-60; The Lonely One 01-10-60