The Knights Templar
They had all joined taking three vows: poverty, chastity, and obedience...for they were monks: warrior monks, dedicated to the protection of pilgrims in the Holy Land — until stories spread by an avaricious king who wanted their wealth for his own destroyed the order.
There was one knight, however, who escaped the stake, vowing justice as he watched his innocent brothers die.
A Dark Justice
Cold-blooded murder has transformed Simon Puttock's official obligation into something horrid — and he will need the able assistance of his friend, Sir Baldwin Furnshill, to draw a criminal out. A former Knight Templar, Sir Baldwin knows much of duty and servitude — and of evil freely indulged in the name of godliness or greed. Now justice must be served,even if their search exposes extortion, foul corruption,rule by fear...and killers willing — even eager — to shed more blood.